
Camel Spider: Everything You Need To Know

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This article is about the camel spider and everything you need to know about it. Camel spiders are not spiders but arachnids. They are from the Solpugidae family and there are around 2,000 different species of them.

They can be found in many different parts of the world, including North America, Africa, and Asia. They get their name from their resemblance to camels, but they only superficially look like camels.

Camel spiders are scientifically referred to as Solpugidae!

giant black camel spider

Camel spiders are a type of spider that is found in many different parts of the world but are mostly restricted to deserts. They are often mistaken for tarantulas, but they belong to a different family.

The camel spider, scientifically referred to as Solpugidae, is a large and unique arachnid that has been feared for many years. Contrary to popular belief, the camel spider does not eat the stomach of camels but rather feeds on insects and small animals.

In fact, there are more than 1,000 species of camel spiders. They can range in color from yellow to black, and their sizes vary as well.

What’s really interesting about these spiders is that they have a lifespan of two to four years. Most other spiders only live for about two years in the wild!

What do camel spiders look like in appearance, and what is their typical behavior as a species?

Camel spiders are typically tan and dark brown in color, with small hairs on their body. They range in size from 1-10 inches long, with the females being larger than the males. Camel spiders are nocturnal and feed primarily on insects.

This spider species can be found in deserts around the world. The spider gets its name from two of its most distinctive features—its size and the dark hump on its back.

The spiders’ reddish-brown coloration is particularly useful for them as it helps them blend into the dry, hot environment around them. They are also known for being very fast and aggressive predators.

Camel spiders are also easily identified by their eight legs, but some people mistakenly think they have ten because they have two long pedipalps near their mouths.

These appendages are not actually legs but instead are used for feeding and mating. Camel spiders feed on insects, lizards, and small mammals.

As far as their general behavior is concerned, camel spiders are typically shy creatures that try to avoid contact with humans. They are also solitary except during mating season, and they can be aggressive if they feel threatened.

However, camel spiders are rarely seen by humans because of their nocturnal habits and the fact that they generally stay away from populated areas.

What is the typical habitat of a camel spider?

The Camel Spider (Solifugae) Saswad area, Pune Description

The Middle East, the southwest of the United States, and Mexico are home to camel spiders. They are found in scrublands and hot, arid deserts.

They hide in crevices between rocks as well as under logs to keep cool when daytime temperatures reach their highest. They get most of the liquid they need to survive when they eat their prey.

How can you prepare a tank to take care of pet camel spiders at home?

You can prepare a tank to take care of pet camel spiders at home by following these steps:

  • Keep the camel spiders in a ventilated tank with a secure lid and 3-5″ substrates.
  • Feed it with 1-2 crickets and water a corner of the substrates weekly.
  • Separate the brood into individual containers after they molt.
  • Feed them more frequently with smaller feeders.

What do camel spiders eat in their diet?

Camel spiders are predators.

Camel spiders are carnivores and will eat prey that includes small birds, reptiles, beetles, snakes, and termites. They have a voracious appetite and can consume up to 30% of their body weight in a single day.

Camel spiders use their pedipalps to sense prey, and when they find something, they use their powerful jaws to snatch it up.

Interestingly, camel spiders use their own digestive juices to turn prey into a pulpy liquid that they can consume. This way, they don’t have to waste time chewing their food.

Much like camels, camel spiders also store fat in their bodies to nourish themselves during times when they can’t find prey. This allows them to live for an extended period of time without food.

How should you feed pet camel spiders?

Just like with any other pet, there are things you need to do in order to properly take care of a camel spider. Camel spiders should be fed 1-2 crickets or roaches at night.

One important thing is to make sure to remove any leftovers from the feeding dish the following day; if you don’t, it will create an opportunity for mold growth.

If your pet camel spiders are not eating their prey, it might be because they are about to molt. In this case, you should remove the prey and wait a week before trying to feed them again. If they still have not eaten by then, they may have molted.

What animals or insects act as predators or threats to camel spiders in their natural habitat?

There are a variety of animals and insects that act as predators or threats to camel spiders in their natural habitat. Toads, scorpions, and bats are some common examples.

Additionally, the official conservation status of camel spiders is the least concern, according to the IUCN Red List. This means that they aren’t currently facing any major threats to their population or survival.

However, if they can’t find prey in the desert and aren’t able to store up any fat, they can die of starvation.

What do you need to know about camel spider reproduction, baby camel spiders, and their life cycle?

Camel spiders can be kept as pets.

When it comes to reproduction, you should know that camel spiders are ovoviviparous. This means that the eggs develop and hatch inside the female’s body, and the baby camel spiders are born live.

Baby camel spiders are able to start hunting for small insects almost immediately after they’re born.

Female camel spiders have a gestation period of 11 days. After a gestation period of 11 days, female camel spiders lay eggs in burrows.

The eggs incubate for 2-3 weeks, and the baby camel spiders emerge from the eggs. Baby camel spiders are cannibalistic and will eat other baby camel spiders.

When the baby camel spiders are born, they are very small and vulnerable to a lot of predators. This is because their venom has not yet developed, so they cannot protect themselves from other animals.

As a result, the mother spider will often stay with her young for several weeks to ensure their safety.

Can you get, source, or buy camel spiders as pets easily?

Yes, camel spiders can be sourced easily from the US. Almost all camel spiders sold are wild-caught, so it is important to get a juvenile spider instead of an adult. This will help you avoid getting an individual who is too old and may have difficulty adjusting to captivity.


Camel spiders are a species that is shrouded in myths and misconceptions. Camel spiders, for one, don’t typically attack humans or eat the insides of camels. Even though these bugs are carnivorous, they only attack other insects that they consider prey! Apart from that, these spiders are generally harmless to human beings.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.