
Do Leaf Bugs Bite? | Types, How These Insects Look, And Are They Dangerous?

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Leaf bugs are fascinating creatures. They resemble their environment in such an uncanny fashion that camouflage is a piece of cake for these bugs.

But do leaf bugs bite? If you find these bugs in your garden, what do you need to know about them? Are they dangerous? In this article, I will answer these questions and many more. But, first, let’s look and the types of leaf bugs that exist!

Do leaf bugs bite?

Do leaf bugs bite?

Leaf bugs are not a type of bug that will bite or sting you. In fact, leaf bugs are generally harmless and do not pose a threat to humans. While leaf bugs don’t typically bite humans, they can still be dangerous if they inject their saliva into a person’s skin.

Leaf bugs are actually a common garden insect that can be found in many yards. They feed on the sap of plants, which makes them beneficial to gardens as they help to keep the plant population down.

They come in many different shapes and colors, but all of them have sucking mouthparts that they use to extract sap from plants. While most leaf bugs are harmless, there are a few species that can bite humans and cause minor irritation.

By sucking the sap from plants, they reduce the plant’s ability to photosynthesize and grow. In addition, leaf bugs can lay their eggs inside the plant tissue, which can lead to even more damage.

Leaf bugs may even damage fruit by piercing it with their mouthparts and sucking out the juice. Additionally, leaf bugs can stain surfaces with their excrement, so it is best to remove them from your property if possible.

What are the different types of leaf bugs that look like a leaf?

types of leaf bugs

There are many different types of leaf bugs. They all look like leaves and can be green, brown, or black. I have explained the different types of leaf bugs in the following sections!


Leafhoppers are a type of insect that is found all over the world. They get their name from their resemblance to leaves, as they are green and have veins on their wings.

These leaf bugs typically feed on the sap from plants as well as other insects. Leafhoppers use their sharp mouthparts to pierce the skin of their prey and suck out the juices. While they are not typically dangerous, they can transmit diseases to crops and other plants.

Further, leafhoppers can be identified by their wedge-shaped heads and their jumping behavior. Leafhoppers lay their eggs inside plant stems or leaves, where they hatch into nymphs (baby leafhoppers).

Leafhoppers go through several stages of development before becoming adults. The nymphs, which are the baby leafhoppers, look completely different from the adults, and each stage looks different from the previous one.

As a result, it can be difficult to determine whether or not you’re dealing with a leafhopper.

Leaf-footed bugs

Closeup of Leaf-footed bug, Coreidae is a large family of predominantly sap-suckling insects in the Hemipteran suborder Heteroptera.

Leaf-footed bugs are so-named because of their hind legs, which are covered in scales that look like leaves. They are often mistaken for sticks or twigs and can be difficult to identify.

They can be green, brown, or black and measure about 1/2 inch long. These bugs feed on a variety of plants and fruits, and they can be found all over the United States. While these leaf bugs are not dangerous to humans, they can bite if and when they are provoked.

Therefore, some species of these bugs do bite humans, and when they do, it can cause painful welts to form on the skin. The welts may last up to three days.

As I said, most leaf-footed bugs are not dangerous. But, there are a few that can carry diseases, such as the West Nile virus.

Leaf katydids

Leaf katydids are a type of leaf bug that is found in North America, Europe, Africa, and Asia. They are harmless insects that look very similar to dead leaves.

Leaf katydids mainly eat plants but can also eat other small insects. They hatch after about two weeks and then leave the area after another two weeks.

False katydids

false katydid

False katydids are a type of katydid that has a leaf-like appearance. They are masters of camouflage and can be found living in tropical regions.

False katydids spend most of their time on the tree trunk or branches, where they use their excellent vision to blend in with their surroundings.

The abdomen of false katydids is covered with fine hairs that give it a greenish color when viewed from above. The head of the false katydids’ species bears two large eyes that are surrounded by white patches.


Alderflies are commonly mistaken for leaf bugs because of their triangular or diamond-shaped body shape and wings that look like pieces of bark or leaves fluttering through the air. Alderflies are not dangerous to humans, but they can give you a pretty good pinch!

Assassin bugs

Assassin bugs are one of the most common types of biting leaf bugs in North America. Assassin bugs are similar to leaf bugs and also have three segments on each antenna.

Assassin bugs are much more slender than most leaf bugs and tend to be smaller than 1 cm long when fully grown.

Leaf insects, a.k.a. walking leaves

walking leaf insect

Leaf insects, also known as walking leaves, are a type of insect that belongs to the order Phasmida. This order includes other types of leaf insects, such as stick insects and walking sticks.

Leaf insects have three pairs of legs and one pair of antennae, but they lack wings or a functional mouthpart (mandibles).

This bug is characterized by its long abdomen and defensive spines. Most species have some level of camouflage that helps protect them from predators.

Leaf bugs can be found all over the world and come in a variety of colors. While most are not dangerous to humans, there are a few exceptions.

Leaf bugs’ bodies are covered with a waxy cuticle that helps protect them from moisture loss and predation by birds, lizards, and other animals that might mistake them for food.

The head capsule is movable so that it can be turned from side to side as needed; this allows the leaf bug to see predators coming from all directions.

Giant leaf insects

The Giant leaf insect is a strange creature that looks like a leaf. It has wings that actually resemble leaves, and it can mimic the movements of its host plant. The insect is usually green or brown in color and can be found in tropical areas around the world.

Leaf bugs feed on plants such as ferns and bamboo. They can be distinguished by their large size and the fact that they lack wings.

Interestingly, the female Giant Leaf Insect can lay up to 80 eggs at a time in her lifetime. These eggs hatch into baby nymphs that look like miniature versions of adults and begin feeding immediately after hatching.

The Giant Leaf Insect is not dangerous to humans and does not bite, but it is considered a pest as it feeds on crops.

Moss mimics stick insects.

The moss mimic stick insect is found in Madagascar and Australia and can grow up to 5 inches long. Leaf-footed bug (family Coreidae). There are over two thousand species of leaf-footed bugs in North America alone!

They are so numerous because they feed on plant sap and nectar, which makes them important pollinators. Many species have bright colors on their wings but blend into their surroundings when they rest on leaves or bark during the day (the bright colors help them attract mates).

Indian oakleaf butterfly

The Indian oakleaf butterfly is a small butterfly found in many parts of the world. It is known to be a pest in many crops because its larvae feed on a variety of plants. The adults are generally found on the ground or on low-growing herbaceous plants.

They can be identified by the orange spots on their wings and their blue body color. The forewings are brownish with a broad black margin.

There is also an orange spot near the base of each forewing. The hindwings have two orange spots near the base and three small orange spots along the margin.

Dead leaf grasshoppers

Dead leaf grasshoppers are a type of leaf bug that can be difficult to identify. They are generally light brown or green in color and have a flattened body.

Dead leaf grasshoppers feed on vegetation, including dead leaves in lawns and gardens. They prefer moist habitats and feed on plants in the Clovers and Asteraceae family, as well as pollen from flowers in the daisy and sunflower families.

Can leaf bugs fly?

Leaf bugs are able to fly, but they do not use their wings for this purpose. Instead, they use a process called ‘jumping’ in which they extend their legs and body to create enough force to lift off the ground.

Leaf bugs are related to stinkbugs and assassin bugs, both of which are known for their ability to inflict a painful bite.

Therefore, leaf bugs are able to fly, but they are not very good at it. Their flat body shape and long antennae help them blend in with leaves, stems, and branches. They use their antennae to sense when prey is nearby.

Are leaf insects dangerous at all?

Leaf insects are not dangerous to humans. In fact, they are quite harmless and will not hurt you in any way. Leaf insects may look scary, but they are actually quite docile and pose no threat to your safety.

How long do leaf bugs live in their life span?

Dead leaf mantis. Green praying mantis that mimic dead leaves. Gian leaf grasshopper.

Leaf bugs can live up to three months in warmer climates, but they usually die during their first winter in colder climates.

Leaf bugs will hibernate during the colder months so they can survive until the spring. They are very resilient creatures and can withstand several different types of environments.

Can you keep a leaf bug as a pet insect?

Leaf bugs can be kept as pets and make interesting additions to any insect collection. They are easy to care for and can be found in a variety of colors, including green, brown, and black.

Leaf bugs are members of the Phasmatodea family of insects and are commonly referred to as “stick bugs” or “leaf insects.”

In fact, leaf bugs are a popular pet insect because they are easy to care for and do not bite. They can be found in the tropical forests of South Asia but have been introduced into other parts of the world.

What should you feed leaf bug pets, and how should you take care of them?

Leaf bug pets should be fed a diet of brambles that are grown from seed or cuttings. The leaves can be either fresh or dried and should be chopped into small pieces so that the leaf bug can easily eat them.

The bugs should be kept in full sun or partial shade and can tolerate cold temperatures if necessary.

Leaf bug pets, such as the Asian lady beetle, should be kept indoors during the winter months if it gets colder than 50°F (10°C). In addition to keeping the bugs warm, you should also feed them a diet of fresh fruit and vegetables.


Therefore, when it comes to leaf bugs, you need to remember that most leaf bugs don’t bite. But there are some that may bite you if you provoke them. Regardless, in general, leaf bugs are harmless insects and won’t bite you if you come across them.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.