
5 Cost Efficient Methods: How To Get Rid Of Water bugs?

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If you have a water bug infestation, then it is only natural of you to be wondering about how to get rid of water bugs.

But before you head to the part where you get rid of them, it is necessary to identify them and be absolutely sure that you are trying to get rid of the correct pest and are not confused between two pests.

This expert guide will provide the required answers in order to figure out the answers to these questions.

What are Water Bugs?

step to get rid of water bugs

Water bugs are a type of insect that can be found in both fresh and saltwater.

They are found in various places but typically live near sources of water.

The reason behind this is something quite interesting. It is so because they thrive in moist environments and are attracted to moisture, which further makes them difficult to get rid of.

They exist in various shapes and sizes, but most people would agree that they are neither attractive nor welcome in their homes.

There are several ways to get rid of water bugs, depending on the severity of the infestation and the type of bug.

Treatment and prevention methods vary, so it is important to do your research before taking any action.

What do Water bugs look like?

Water bugs are a type of bug that is typically bigger than other types of bugs and can be easily identifiable by their long antennae and flat body.

Waterbugs can be identified by their flattened rear legs, which help them move through the water. They are brown-black in color and typically measure between 1/2 and 3/4 of an inch long.

What Attracts Water Bugs in the First Place?

Like any other organism, water bugs are predator species that prey on food sources and harborage. This means that they are drawn to an area where they can find leftover food or a place to hide.

It is essential to understand what attracts water bugs in order to prevent them from entering your home, swimming pool, or place of work.

Interestingly, a water bug nest is usually found near water sources such as a pool or bathroom, but during cold weather, they will try to enter houses in order to escape the cold.

Lastly, water bugs are also attracted to lights. This means that they can often be found near stadiums and other places where there is a lot of light at night.

They are especially numerous during football games and similar events where there is a lot of light involved.

How to Tell the Difference Between Water Bugs and Roaches?

Water bugs and household cockroaches are often confused with each other, but there are a few key ways to tell them apart.

In fact, water bugs and roaches are both members of the order Hemiptera, true bugs. However, they can be quite easily distinguished from one another.

Water bugs have a more oval-shaped body, while roaches are more elongated. Additionally, water bugs typically have a reddish or brown coloration, while roaches are generally lighter in color.

Finally, water bugs have piercing-sucking mouthparts, while roaches do not.

Another way to tell them apart on the basis of their appearance is to look at their legs; water bugs have long legs that help them paddle through the water or seem to walk on top of it due to the surface tension of water.

On the other hand, a cockroach has shorter legs and is not as good a swimmer.

How to get rid of water bugs?

Water bugs, or as they are scientifically known, Plethodonts, can be a real problem in your home. This expert guide will educate you about how to get rid of waterbugs through both preventative and treatment methods.

While many commercial products promise to get rid of water bugs, there are also a number of natural treatments that can be just as effective.

There are a variety of ways to get rid of water bugs, but the first step is to identify the real source of the infestation. In most cases, it is likely that a cockroach is the real culprit instead of water bugs and should be dealt with accordingly.

Now, let’s see how to get rid of water roaches.

how to get rid of waterbugs

Use Boric Acid as Bait

 This chemical is a white, odorless powder that is used to kill insects. It works by getting into the insect’s digestive system and causing them to die. It is an extremely safe and effective way to get rid of waterbugs and can be used both indoors and outdoors.

This chemical is effective because it dries out the insects’ exoskeleton, leading to their death. It can also be utilized as a natural deterrent for other pests.

One way to use it is by creating a “plate of death.” To do this, place sugary food in the middle of a disposable plate and then apply a thin layer of boric acid around the bait.

Build a Barrier with Diatomaceous Earth

How to get rid of water bugs?

There are a few different ways to build a barrier around your home in order to keep water bugs from entering. One popular option is diatomaceous earth.

Diatomaceous earth is essentially a powder made from the fossilized remains of tiny creatures called diatoms. When it comes into contact with water bugs, it causes them to dehydrate and die. It should be reapplied after a few days if it becomes ineffective.

Block All Roach Entrance Points

Water bugs can enter your home through very small spaces – oftentimes, they can fit through crack sites and crevices that are less than 1/16th of an inch wide!

So it is important to look for these tiny openings in all the rooms in the house and block them off as best you can. You can use caulk, weather stripping, or door sweeps to close up these gap points.

Fill in any gaps beneath doors and windows with weatherstripping. You can also install door sweeps and window screens.

You should also check behind large appliances and make sure there are no gaps where a giant water bug could hide.

Make Your House Spotlessly Clean

In order to get rid of waterbugs, it is important to make your house as clean as possible. This means clearing away all food and garbage, storing food in airtight containers, and keeping a clean kitchen.

Additionally, you can place a tall kitchen bin with a tightly sealed lid near the areas where waterbugs are commonly found.

Eliminate Indoor Damp Areas

You can do certain things to help get rid of water bugs in your home. One is to check the areas of your house that have exposed water pipes and clear out any debris that has accumulated.

You should also eliminate any leakage and standing water. Another thing you can do is make sure your drains are clear and free of clogs and algae.

Some Additional Remedies to Get Rid of Water Bugs From Inside Your House Fast

powder removal bag pools pound

Essential Oils

Essential oils are a natural and effective way to repel water bugs. The most commonly used oil is peppermint oil, as it has a very strong smell that water bugs do not like.

However, it is important to reapply the oil every few days, as the smell will dissipate over time. There are a variety of other essential oils that can be used as well.


Borax is a natural element that is toxic to water bugs. It can be harmful to kids and your beloved pets if they ingest it, so it is important to take precautions when using it.

It is most effective when used in conjunction with other treatments and prevention methods.


There are a variety of pesticides that can be used to get rid of water bugs. It is important to identify the species of water bug in order to choose the right pesticide.

Some common methods include using a 1-gallon pump-up sprayer or a bug spray to apply pesticides to all baseboards, cracks, and crevices and around all the windows and doors in the house. Cover every possible spot judiciously.

You can also purchase an outdoor fogger or use a professional pest control service.

When it comes to getting rid of water bugs, you should always use pesticides only when authorized by law.

There are various types of pesticides, and each one has its own set of instructions for how it should be used.

It is necessary to read and follow these instructions carefully in order to avoid any potential negative consequences and help ensure that you use the right amount of pesticide and that it is effective in bidding goodbye to the water bugs in house.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is a highly common household item that can be used to get rid of water bugs. It is effective in killing bugs and can also be used to clean vinyl siding.

In addition, baking soda can only be used as a temporary solution because it must be replaced on a regular basis if the environment is humid or in excess of 50%.


Waterbugs are a type of predatory insect that live in water and feed on other insects and small fish. They can be easily found across the world and are considered a nuisance because they can contaminate food and spread disease.

There are various treatments, including chemical and natural methods as well as prevention methods, available for waterbug control.

If the waterbug infestation is getting out of hand, you may need to call in a professional exterminator.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.