
How To Use Olive Oil For Fleas? All You Should Know

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There are various solutions and remedies for fleas in the current age and time. And one of them is olive oil. But how to use olive oil for fleas? In short, olive oil is very simple to use for flea remedies and will give you great results if you stick to it and use it properly. Let us understand the usage of this natural ingredient to rid yourself and your home of fleas.

Does olive oil kill fleas?

Flea under magnifying glass in old book

Olive oil undoubtedly kills fleas. In fact, it is amongst the best flea remedies that you can give your pet to get rid of fleas from your house.

However, the other side of using olive oil as a treatment for fleas is that the procedure of eradicating fleas with olive oil, like many other home cures, can be time-consuming and tedious.

Olive oil works in the same way that practically every other home cure for fleas treatment does: it suffocates the fleas by applying enough of it for a long enough duration of time.

To thoroughly suffocate fleas, completely saturate the pet’s fur with olive oil and keep it on for up to eight hours. This process must be repeated until all fleas have been successfully eradicated. This can carry on for days or even weeks at a time!

What kind of olive oil is good for flea treatment?

Extra virgin olive oil is recommended for the finest outcomes. It is made with high-quality, cold-pressed olives, which helps it retain the majority of its nutrients.

Cat flea

Pure and light olive oils, on the other hand, come from low-quality olives that have been processed with heat or chemicals, destroying their beneficial characteristics.

Furthermore, because extra virgin olive oil has a reduced acid content, it is kinder on the digestive system of dogs and effectively destroys fleas.

How to use olive oil for fleas?

how to use olive oil for fleas

Unlike other insect repellents, Olive oil does not contain lauric acid, which kills fleas. Its high-fat content, however, may suffocate the fleas. Here’s how to get rid of these obnoxious and disgusting pests from your pet dog or cat:

  • In a handful of olive oil, add a few drops of lavender.
  • Massage the mixture into your dog’s skin.
  • Don’t use too much lavender because the scent can be overwhelming.
  • Eyes, ears, and the face should be avoided.
  • Allow the oil to sit for three to four hours before rinsing it off.

You can use the same lavender and olive oil mixture during flea season to protect your pet. Simply spray it on your pet’s collar or around the areas where fleas tend to congregate, such as the armpits and groins.

How much olive oil should you use to get rid of fleas?

More isn’t always better, and too much olive oil might have negative consequences instead of positive ones.

The amount of olive oil given to pets is determined by their size and type. The suggested daily intake is one teaspoon for every 25 pounds of your dog’s body weight.

Can dogs have olive oil?

Dog with fleas

To begin with, dogs are allowed to consume olive oil because it has numerous health benefits for them. In fact, adding olive oil to your dog’s diet can help them stay healthier. However, you should always consult your veterinarian before making any modifications to your dog’s food.

Some top-notch reasons to add olive oil to your dog’s diet are –

It can assist your dog in maintaining a healthy weight.

Olive oil’s polyunsaturated fats aid in the breakdown of fat inside fat cells and the reduction of cholesterol. Small amounts of olive oil, which acts as a laxative, can be added to your dog’s food to assist stimulate their digestive tract.

On the other hand, Olive oil should be avoided if your dog is having diarrhea or vomiting since it may aggravate these symptoms.

It can help your dog’s food taste better and be more consistent.

If your dog is unwilling or hesitant to eat his or her food, try adding a dash of olive oil to the mix to improve the flavor and consistency. If your dog is eating dry food, this strategy can be especially beneficial.

It is beneficial to your dog’s skin and coat.

Many premium dog food product brands boast the inclusion of fatty acids in their food, but what these brands don’t want you to know is that you can add those acids to your dog’s meal yourself by just adding a teaspoon of olive oil!

Olive oil is high in phytonutrients, vitamin E, and omega-3 fatty acids, all of which assist in keeping your dog’s skin hydrated and nourished. These nutrients also help your dog’s coat, giving it more gloss and strength.

While you may be tempted to rub olive oil directly into your dog’s coat, I strongly advise against it because your dog would almost certainly lick it off, negating the benefits (at least, that is what my dogs do).

If your dog has dry skin, simply add two teaspoons of olive oil to his food. Because extra virgin olive oil has a reduced acidity, I recommend it.

It can help your dog’s immune system and cognitive function.

Antioxidants in olive oil, such as Vitamin E, may protect your dog’s cell membranes from free radical damage. Free radicals cause cells to over-oxidize, resulting in diseases including dementia, cardiovascular disease, and tissue damage.

While the majority of studies on the effects of antioxidants on free radicals have been done on humans, it appears that antioxidants have a similar advantage on dogs.

DIY Natural Flea Repellent for Dogs?

self hygiene in wildlife of an abandoned bummer

Fleas are a dog owner’s worst nightmare. Fleas not only irritate your dog and cause excessive scratching, but they also deposit their eggs on your furniture, carpet, and anywhere else they can get into your home.

And thus, I believe it is best to experiment with as many natural ingredients as possible to determine what works best and help you say goodbye to fleas. I’ve used a few DIY natural flea repellents on my dogs in the past, and they’re as follows:

Flea spray essential oils

Essential oils are a great way to treat fleas in dogs. Natural flea repellents include neem oil, geranium oil, citronella, eucalyptus, peppermint, tea tree, and rosemary. If your dog isn’t afraid of a spray bottle, dilute a few drops of your favorite essential oil in 500ml of water and spray directly on its coat.

It’s crucial to remember that some essential oils, such as tea tree oil, can be extremely poisonous to dogs if not properly diluted.

Do not use a DIY essential oil solution on your pet without first consulting your veterinarian.

Flea spray with apple cider vinegar and salt

The beauty of apple cider vinegar is that it’s a natural way to treat fleas on dogs by balancing the pH levels of the environment and generating an environment that’s good for your dog’s health but not so good for fleas.

Mix five cups of apple cider vinegar with three cups of water, add a pinch of sea salt, and spritz your dog’s coat directly. Make sure you stay away from your dog’s eyes and ears while using the apple cider vinegar spray and salt.

Bath in lemon

This flea-free lemon bath is simple to make and will leave your furry little friend feeling fresh. To cure fleas in dogs naturally, dilute half a cup of freshly squeezed lemon juice in a cup of water, then add a squeeze of your regular pet-friendly soap or shampoo.

Lather Bath

Existing fleas will be killed by any pet-friendly shampoo that forms a lather. When it comes to flea treatments, going natural is always the best option, so look for chemical-free organic pet shampoo.

Let the shampoo do its work for a few minutes after your dog has been suitably lathered. This is an excellent technique to get rid of existing fleas before moving on to flea prevention.

Rub your dog’s coat with Coconut oil

Dog drip drops from fleas and ticks. Taken via medium format kamera.

Is there anything coconut oil can’t help with? When it comes to flea treatment, coconut oil can aid in a variety of ways. Half a spoonful of coconut oil rubbed straight into your dog’s coat repels fleas while also making the hair glossy and reducing body odor.

When added to your dog’s regular food, coconut oil’s antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral qualities can even help treat intestinal parasites.


Olive oil, much like other natural repellants, takes a little time to work, but it removes fleas in their entirety without any side effects to your dog and actually provides certain benefits if anything. Having said that, some dogs can be allergic to olive oil, in which case it is best to try other DIY natural flea repellants.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.