
Why Do We See Lethargic Wasps In House?

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When you see lethargic wasps in your house, it can be alarming. You may wonder why we see lethargic wasps in house and what you should do about them.

Let us find out why you are finding them inside your house, particularly during the winter months.

Why Do We See Lethargic Wasps In House?

Lethargic wasps are more commonly seen in the fall and winter months. This is because they are in the process of dying off, and their lifecycle is coming to an end.

In fact, you may even see them inside your house! It’s because they are looking for a place to carry out the phenomena of hibernation.

Nests have been abandoned by the queens, and the workers have died, so in the absence of adult wasps and queen wasps, there is no one left to keep the nest warm.

Without any warmth, the wasps will search for an alternate place to spend the winter – which may be inside your house and also probably in your room!

They will find an opening in your homes, such as an attic or crawlspace, and hibernate until the weather warms up again.

Female wasps are the ones who build nests, and male wasps help with building and protecting the nests. The females are also the ones who look for a place to build their nest- typically mammal burrows, tree branches, etc.

When wasps are found inside the house, they are usually lethargic. This is because the weather is colder, and they are not able to fly around and search for food.

The male wasps help out with building the nests and protecting them, so when it gets cold, the males will stay in the nest while the females go out to find food.

Interestingly, the female wasps don’t die during the winter months. In fact, they hibernate in different places around your home. You may find them in wall cavities, under floorboards, or in roof spaces.

So if you’re seeing lethargic wasps inside your house, there’s a good chance they’re just taking a break before they start working on their next generation of wasps.

In the springtime, wasps become more active as they search for a place to build their nests. There are many types of places where they can choose to construct their nests, such as in a chimney, basement, or garage.

Female wasps hibernate during the winter season because they need to conserve their resources for the next year. They are inactive and do not feed themselves. Meanwhile, the male wasps die after mating.

Wasp populations tend to grow exponentially during the spring and summer seasons. Once the winters are over, they start looking for a place to build their nests and lay eggs.

They often choose sheltered places like attics, garages, and sheds. If you see a lethargic wasp inside your house, it’s probably looking for a place to hibernate until the next spring.

How do wasps get into your house?

lethargic wasps in house

Wasp entry into a home can occur through open doors and windows, the attic, and exhaust vents.

They are attracted to light and often find their way from the outside through cracks and openings around windows and doors. Once they’re inside, they can be difficult to get rid of.

There are a few ways that wasps can get into your house. One way is when they are looking for food and stumble upon an open window or door.

They may also get in through cracks in the wall or roof or even through the plumbing. If you see a wasp inside your home, it is important to remove it as soon as possible to avoid being stung.

A common way for wasps to get into your house is through the chimney. To prevent this, it is recommended that you have an annual chimney inspection. This will help identify any cracks or holes in the structure that could allow wasps to enter.

Why do wasps appear in the house during the winter?

Wasps Causing Problem By Building Nest Under Roof Of House

In the winter, wasps become lethargic and begin to hibernate. They will often find their way into houses as they search for a warm place to sleep. You may see them in your home from December through February.

The cause of wasp lethargy during the winter is unknown, but it is thought that environmental and/or genetic factors may play a role.

Some experts believe that cooler temperatures or a lack of food may be to blame, while others suggest that changes in the circadian rhythm could be a factor. Whatever the reason, it is clear that wasps are not as active during the colder months and thus make their way into our homes.

What Should You Do If You See Lethargic Wasps In House?

Wasp nest with wasps

If you see lethargic wasps in your home, it is best to remove them as quickly as possible. The best method to do this is by using a vacuum cleaner. Be sure to seal up the vacuum cleaner bag tightly so the wasps can’t escape.

You can contact a pest control expert to take care of the nest for you so that the wasps can be removed and will not cause any more problems.

What Amount Of Time Does It Take For A Wasp To Die In A House?

The time it takes for a wasp to die in a house depends on the wasp. Some wasps will die quickly, while others may take longer. It is important to remember that different types of wasps behave differently; jackets, hornets, and paper wasps all behave distinctly.

However, to give a very generalized answer, it is interesting to note that these creatures can survive up to eight months in a house without food or water.

This means that if you see one wasp, there is a good chance that there are many more lurking around. Unfortunately, since wasps can be so lethargic, it often takes a long time for them to die once they’ve been trapped inside.

Do Wasps Damage Houses?

giant hornet

Wasps can damage houses in a variety of ways. One way is by building their nests inside the house. This can amount to structural damage as well as pose a safety hazard to the inhabitants of the home.

The presence of these insects in a house can be very dangerous for the inhabitants. Not only are they a nuisance, but the risk of getting stung by them is another thing altogether, and their stings can be venomous and cause severe allergic reactions.

When you see a wasp inside your home, do not panic! Calmly open the windows and let the wasp fly out, or use a spray to get rid of them.

Wasps usually build their nests outdoors, but they can sometimes enter homes in search of food. If you find a wasp nest on your property, please contact a pest control company to have it removed.


Lethargic wasps are usually dead wasps or hibernating female wasps. They can often be mistaken for a live wasp, but there are a few key giveaways. Lethargic wasps are most commonly seen in the winter because that is when they are least active.

In conclusion, wasp nests can be found in many places. Some common locations are inside walls, attics, trees, roof eaves, ground burrows, and crawlspaces. As a result, it is important to be aware of the signs of a wasp nest and take action if necessary.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.