
Red House Spiders: All You Need To Know

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Red House spiders are common in most North American houses. They are easy to identify by their reddish-brown color and the fact that they build webs close to the ground.

These spiders might make their homes in your attic, basement, house corners, or windowsills. They’re not aggressive spiders, but they will bite if they feel threatened.

While it is possible that some red house spiders have simply wandered away from home, the majority of them are actually out looking for food. These spiders are scavengers and will eat just about anything they can find, including other insects, small animals, and even rotting fruit.

Let us find out more about red house spiders.

Physical Description and Identification

Red House Spiders

The Red House Spider is a small spider that ranges in size from 6-10mm. They have reddish-brown coloration over their entire body and legs. They are typically found living in and around the home, where they build their webs.

These spiders are identifiable by their distinctive markings. Females have a red band and hourglass-like marking on the underside of their abdomen. Males are smaller and typically lack red markings.

The red house spider is easily mistaken for a black widow because of its physical features. The black widow is shiny and has an hourglass shape on its underside, while the red house spider is dull and has two stripes running down its abdomen.

Red House Spider Habitat

The Red House Spider is most commonly found in warmer climates, but it can also be found in cooler places. They prefer to live in dark and moist areas, such as under rocks or in woodpiles.

They build messy webs that can be found in many different locations, such as in gardens, sheds, and garages. The spider captures prey by waiting for it to enter the spider web. Once the prey is trapped, the spider wraps it up in silk and eats it.

Red House Spider Bite & Venom

The Red House Spider is a dangerous spider that should be avoided. They are found in Australia, and their bites can cause serious health problems. However, they are not poisonous, unlike the brown recluse bite, which is highly poisonous. They are not aggressive spiders, but they will bite if provoked.

The venom from this spider can cause local pain and swell for a few hours. If you spot one of these spiders in your house, it is best to leave it alone or dispose of it with gloves or a vacuum cleaner.

Red House Spider Eggs & Spiderlings

Because this species mates and reproduces all year, it’s likely that if you discover a female and her web, you’ll find an egg sac nearby.

The egg sacs themselves are tightly packed and spherical, about the same size as an adult female’s abdomen.

Each egg sac contains many dozen eggs; therefore, removing them from your house is the most effective approach to prevent an infestation.

How does Red Spider reproduce?

Red spiders reproduce by making a round egg sac that is kept close to the web. The egg sacs themselves are round and thickly packed. The eggs inside the sac will hatch into spiderlings, which will then go off and create their own webs.

The egg sac is then wrapped in spider silk and placed in a web. A few dozen eggs are typically found inside each egg sac.

Are Red House Spiders Poisonous?

nesticodes rufipes

Red house spiders are not poisonous to humans, and there is no need for any special precautions when around them. However, if a red house spider bites you, you will experience pain that lasts for a few hours, swelling, and redness.

How to get rid of a red house spider?

Red house spiders are notorious for being found in homes. They are typically harmless but can be a nuisance. There are a few things you can do to get rid of them, including fixing the breaks and holes of windows, doors, and foundations, using spider traps, and using pesticides.

The most important part of eliminating red house spiders is to do proper cleaning and dusting. This will help reduce the number of bugs that these spiders can feed on. You can also keep the area around your home clear of clutter and debris, as well as remove any potential hiding spots for these spiders.

Lesser Known Facts about Red House Spiders

Red house spiders are common in North America and can be found throughout the United States. They are typically around ½ inch long and have a reddish-brown color. These spiders eat insects, which helps control pests in the home.

People who have a fear of spiders may have a phobia, but it’s not mutually exclusive with respect for these spiders.

Here are some lesser-known facts about this intriguing insect species.

Humans and Red House Spiders Have History

Spiders have been around for a long time- about 300 million years, to be exact. They evolved from a different group of animals and, over time, developed the characteristics that we see in modern spiders. Today, there are over 40,000 different species of spiders across the world.

Red spiders and humans have coexisted for centuries. Red spiders have been known to help farmers by eating pests, and humans have used their webs to make fabric. In some cases, red spiders have even been known to kill other spiders.

Putting a Red House Spider Outside Could Kill It

Red house spiders are not native to the United States, and as a result, they are not adapted to the climate. And thus, putting them outside could potentially kill them.

If you have a red house spider and would like to release it outside, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, if the spider is a true house spider (i.e., it lives indoors all year round), trapping it in a cup and releasing it outside may not work because it will simply find its way back inside.

Second, if the spider is found near an entranceway or window, putting it outside could lead to its death because of the cold weather.

Red House Spiders Pose Very Little Danger

House spiders, including the red house spider, are not dangerous to humans and will not bite unless they are provoked. However, if you are uncomfortable with them being in your home, there are a few things you can do to get them outside.

You can either scoop them up with a cup and release them outside or use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up and release them outside.

Other Spiders In the Family

There are various types of spiders. To name a few – Jumping spiders, hacklemesh weaver spider, rufipes spiders, wolf spider, micrathena spiders, cardinal jumper spiders, garden spiders, hobo spiders, and many more. However, there are certain spiders that are closely related to the red house spiders, these are –

Woodlouse Hunter Spider

Cheiracanthium punctorium, one of several species commonly known as the yellow sac spider, is a spider found from central Europe to Central Asia.

The Woodlouse Hunter Spider is a common spider found in Central Texas. They are generally brown or tan in color and have stripes on their abdomen. Woodlouse hunter spiders primarily hunt and feed on woodlice, which are their primary prey.

The male woodlouse spider is typically shorter than the female. This is due to the fact that the male’s primary purpose is to mate with the female and then die.

Red Dwarf Spider

Poisonous spider climbing on wall.

The red dwarf spiders are small, black spiders that are found in the US. They are most commonly found in Texas but can be found in other states as well. These spiders are about 2mm long and have a black abdomen.

These are often mistaken for other types of spiders, such as the brown recluse. They build sheet webs in the soil and under rocks. They are not aggressive and will typically only bite humans if they feel threatened.

They typically have a thin web. They are not considered dangerous to humans, but their webs can be a nuisance.

Red Crab Spiders

recluse rufipes common appearance

Red Crab spiders are a type of spider that belong to the Thomisidae family. They get their name from their apparent resemblance to crabs, and they can be found all over the world. They vary in color, but most are red or brown.

These spiders are typically found outdoors, hiding under rocks, wood logs, and stones. When gently touched by a stick, they rear up like a tarantula in self-defense.


Red House Spiders may be a common sight at your house. However, you do not need to worry about them because they are not dangerous. However, understandably they can become a nuisance because of the webs, and thus you can bid them goodbye from your house by following the tips discussed in this expert guide.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.