
Snake Poop: How To Identify Feces And Droppings?

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When you see snake poop, the first thing you should do is identify what kind of snake it came from. This can be difficult, as there are many different types of snakes. If you can’t identify the type of snake, then you should look for other signs to help you determine what the poop is.

Look for size, shape, and color. Once you have identified the snake, you can then begin to determine what the poop is. In this article, we will discuss how to identify snake feces and droppings.

Do Reptiles Poop?

Reptiles and snakes, in particular, do poop.

Snake Poop

In fact, their poop has two parts: a yellowish-white part that is mostly composed of ammonia, and a brown or black part that is mostly composed of undigested hair and similar materials. This makes their poop look different than the poop of other animals.

What Does Snake Poop Look Like?

Snake poop can vary in shape and size depending on the species of snake. It can be either smooth or have an irregular surface.

The color of snake feces also varies, but it is usually dark brown or black. Snake poop is not typically dangerous, but it is important to know what to look for just in case.

The snake droppings identification can be done by recognizing that they are typically dark in color but may have lighter streaks of urine. They can be anywhere from the size of a raisin to the size of a grapefruit, and they will often have a mucus-like consistency.

If you see snake poop near your home or property, it’s best to stay away and contact a professional for safe removal.

When a large snake defecates, it leaves behind a relatively large dropping that is usually wet because of the liquid urine.

The size and shape of the dropping can vary depending on how much the snake has eaten, but it will generally be cylindrical in shape and have blunt ends.

How Do Snakes Poop?

When it comes to snakes, there are many misconceptions. People often think that because snakes are long and thin, they must be able to go for long periods of time without pooping. However, this is not the case. Snakes need to poop just like any other animal.

So, how do snakes poop? The answer may surprise you. Snakes actually have two openings – one for peeing and one for pooping.

The opening for pooping is located at the base of the tail and is called the cloaca. When a snake goes to the bathroom, feces and urine exit through the same opening.

Many people believe that snakes defecate through their mouths. This is not true!

How Often Do Snakes Poop?

The venomous Australian Rough Scaled Snake with it's forked tongue out.  This is one of the most dangerous snakes and reptiles in the world.  Photographed completely in the wild.

It primarily depends on the snake’s species and what it consumes. After the animal has been digested, feces will be formed. The frequency with which a snake must feed varies, as does the frequency with which it must defecate.

Some snakes will need to go right away after eating, while others may not need to go for months. It also depends on the snake’s level of activity.

Those that move more frequently have speedier digestive processes, which implies that everything they eat will be converted into feces more quickly.

Whatever the snake consumes always comes out all at once, and snakes don’t usually eat again until it does. As a result, how frequently a snake consumes will give you an accurate estimate of how much feces it will leave behind.

How Do Snakes Pee?

Snakes have a single aperture that they utilize for everything, and all garbage is sent through at the same time. Because much of the ammonia is solid, there isn’t always as much liquid as you’d think. As a result, snakes do not urinate.

The number of fluids they pass will be determined mostly by how frequently your pet snake drinks water. This changes according to the snake’s species and age.

If a snake feeds often, it may obtain adequate moisture from the creatures it consumes. As a result, most of their liquid waste will be dumped alongside the solid trash. In certain instances, it may appear that your snake does not urinate at all.

Some snakes, on the other hand, endure extended periods without eating and must drink a lot of water. These snakes may pass just liquid excrement.

Can Snakes Get Constipated?

Venomous purple-spotted pit viper, native of Thailand. This one lives in captivity.

Yes, snakes can get constipated. This happens when their meal isn’t digested correctly and results in the snake having trouble passing feces. Constipation can be very dangerous for snakes and should be treated by a veterinarian if it occurs.

If a snake becomes constipated, it will not be able to digest food and will eventually die. If the blockage continues for too long, the snake will become malnourished and weak.

Regurgitation and Feces

brave man holding coiled colorful toxic snake

While we have focused on snake feces in this expert guide, there is another function worth discussing: regurgitation.

This is different in snakes than in humans since snakes regurgitate out of their backends. In other words, it may appear to be excrement, but it is not.

Snakes usually regurgitate their food faster than they consume it. If a snake passes the prey within a day or two, the nutrients from the meal were most likely not processed.

Regurgitation can happen for a variety of causes. The snake was sometimes handled too soon after eating. After each meal, most snakes are meant to lie down for a few minutes.

If they move too much, their digestive tract may begin to move too rapidly. Food that is overly big or unsuitable may likewise be sped through.

It’s the body’s technique of ensuring that the food doesn’t become trapped. Problems might also arise as a result of low temperatures or other environmental variables.

It might be difficult to distinguish between excrement and regurgitated food.

Here are a few pointers to get you started:

Time since the meal

If you see snake poop and want to identify it, there are a few things you can look for. The first thing to consider is how long ago the snake ate. If it’s been less than 24 hours since the meal, it is likely regurgitation.

If it’s been more than 24 hours since the meal, then it is likely feces. Also, look at the size and shape of the droppings to get an idea of what kind of snake left them behind.

Regurgitation of the last meal

When a snake regurgitates its last meal, it is a sign that something is wrong. It could be a sign of poisoning.

If you see your snake doing this, It may be that the snake is sick or that its diet needs to be changed in order to prevent further health problems.

In such cases, take the snake to a veterinarian as soon as possible.


Mucous is a sign of a problem and should not be ignored. If you see mucous in your snake scat, it is important to take your snake to the veterinarian as soon as possible for diagnosis and treatment.

Other symptoms include changes in behavior, such as being lethargic or inactive, refusing to eat, swollen body parts, and discharge from the nose or mouth. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take your snake to the vet right away.

What To Do If My Snake’s Poop Is Not Normal?

If you notice that your snake’s poop is not normal, it is best to have it examined by an exotic veterinarian. They will be able to help identify the issue and provide the appropriate treatment.

You should bring a fresh stool sample to your snake’s appointment for testing. This will help the veterinarian determine what might be wrong and how to treat it.

There are a variety of parasites that can be found in snake poop. If parasites are found, the appropriate deworming treatment will be administered based on what parasites are present.

Keep a check for any side effects of these treatments.

Parasites Found In Snake Poop

There are a variety of parasites that can be found in snake poop. Some common examples include worms and other parasites that can cause infection or disease. It is important to be aware of these parasites and their potential dangers if you come into contact with them.

Some of the most common symptoms of parasite infection include loose or runny stool and lack of appetite. It is important to seek medical attention if you believe that a parasite may have infected your snake.

Snake Poop Testing

Examining a snake’s excrement under a microscope is the most effective method. Some parasites, such as worms, may be seen with the naked eye; however, worms do not always expel excrement.

Many tests seek eggs shed by worms rather than the parasites themselves. Using a tiny lens to examine the sample enhances the likelihood of identifying a potentially hazardous parasite.

How Does My Veterinarian Check My Snakes For Parasites?

The  Red-tailed green rat snake is a large aggressive non venomous tree snake species found in Thailand, Malaysia,Singapore,Andaman islands,Myanmar and Indonesia.

Your veterinarian will likely use a fecal float to check for parasites in your snake’s poop. A fecal float is a test that uses a microscope to look for worm eggs in feces. This test can help identify the types of parasitic infections that your snake may have.

Another possible test to check your snake for parasites is by doing a direct smear test.

This test checks for flagellates, which are parasites that can be seen swimming around in saline solution. They are often present in the feces of snakes that have been infected with them.

Lastly, the vet may look at the feces under a microscope to see if there are any eggs or larvae present. If eggs or larvae are found, the veterinarian can determine which parasite is present and prescribe the appropriate medication.

Additional methods, like a fecal stain, may also be used to check for specific parasites.


Snakes defecate, although in a somewhat different way than mammals. They only have one hole for everything, even excrement, and urine. Because all of their waste is often expelled at the same time, it may appear that they do not urinate.

Snakes defecate significantly less than the majority of other animals. They will consume an entire meal at once. Therefore their regularity is frequently determined by how much they eat. Because young snakes consume more, they often create more garbage.

There’s no need to be concerned if your snake hasn’t pooped in a while. This is rather common.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.