
Tan Jumping Spider: What Is It?

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Wondering what a Tan Jumping Spider is? Well, it is understandable, especially with such a large family of spiders roaming the planet.

Additionally, as spiders are one of the most common pests invading households, accurate identification is crucial for their efficient eradication.

Assuming that you are on the same tangent, I have provided this guide to help you fully comprehend some interesting information on the Tan Jumping Spider!

Tan Jumping Spider: What is it?

Jumping spiders are a fascinating and large family of spiders known as Salticidae. With more than 4,000 known species, they make up one of the largest families of spiders in the world.

Tan Jumping Spider

Amongst this large variation is the Tan Jumping Spider, the most commonly encountered member of the jumping spider family in the United States.

These spiders have garnered the common name of “jumping spiders” because of their propensity to jump from place to place when disturbed.

The Tan Jumping Spider is a small, brown spider with camouflaged coloring and flecks of white, black, and red. These critters are generally harmless to humans and can be beneficial as they prey on other insects.

What Do Tan Jumping Spiders Look Like?

platycryptus image

Tan jumping spiders are tiny, furry arachnids with enormous front-facing eyes that make them look almost mammal-like in appearance. Furthermore, their hairy bodies help them to blend in with their surroundings.

When it comes to shading, you may spot-a spider with either a brown, tan, or gray body with white and black flecks and red patches, on their face (especially around their eyes)-on different surfaces near you house.

Prominent patterns can also be spotted on the abdomen of this group. And like most spider species Tan jumping also posses numerous eyes.

The Female members of the tan jumping spider family are typically 10-13 millimeters in body length, while males measure 8.5-9.5 millimeters. They have a robust body with long legs and a characteristic jumping movement.

Facts about Tan Jumping Spiders


tan jumping spider photo

When it comes to the habitat of the tan jumping spiders, the retreats can be constructed in a variety of places, including cracks in wood floors, behind furniture, in the folds of draperies, between books on bookcases, around door and window trim, etc.

Outside sanctuaries can be discovered among the leaves, behind loose bark, etc. Because more insects are drawn to windows and doors indoors, and because sunlight improves spiders’ vision, these areas are where they may be found hunting frequently.

Jumping spiders are frequently observed outside, especially in sunny locations, racing across tree bark, seeking shelter beneath stones and boards, on shrubs, fences, decks, and on the outside of buildings.


Tan jumping spiders are fascinating creatures that display interesting behavior. For one, they use silk as a dragline when they jump; the dragline serves as a safety line in case they don’t make it to their destination and helps them orient themselves when they land.

In addition, tan jumping spiders are known for being inquisitive and playful; they’ll often play with their prey before eating it.

Amongst these details another facet of interest includes the protection of eggs; that is, in order to shield their eggs from predators and the elements, females lay their eggs in silk cocoons, in locations such as tree trunks.

Food Habits

Tan jumping spiders, scientifically known as platycryptus undatus, are carnivore organisms; that they need to feed on other organism for survival.

In the areas where they reside, Tan Jumping Spiders feast primarily on bollworms, cotton leaf worms, webworms, cotton flea hoppers, stinkbugs, flies, moths, leafhoppers, mosquitoes, and other spiders smaller than them.

Is Tan Jumping spider Dangerous?

white platycryptus undatus

Although jumping spiders look scary and are venomous, their bites usually do not require medical assistance.

In fact, the vast majority of jumping spider bites are dry. The spiders use their venom to kill prey, so they rarely bite humans.

However, if a jumping spider bites you, there is a small risk of an allergic reaction; keeping the same in mind, it is highly recommended to seek immediate medical attention ( particularly in case of the prolonged presence of any symptoms).

Do Jumping Spider Bites?

In general, tan jumping spider bites are uncommon. And though most people who a jumping spider bites will not experience any symptoms, some may feel a bit of pain at the site of the bite in addition to certain symptoms such as redness, itching, stinging, and swelling. 

If you experience any of these symptoms after being bitten by a jumping spider, it is best to seek medical attention.

Below I have mentioned effective DIY assistance in case of stinging bites:

Dealing with the Bite

  • To begin with, it is advisable to clean the suspected area with soap and water.
  • Next, place a cold compress over the area where the spider bit you; the coolness will be highly beneficial in soothing the irritation of the sting.
  • Adults can also use antihistamines, acetaminophen, or aspirin to treat minor symptoms.
  • Although the tan jumping spiders are not harmful, it is always important to be cautious and seek medical attention, especially if symptoms increase for more than 24 hours.

Signs of Tan Jumping Spider Infestation

Spotting the spider itself is the most typical indication of a tan jumping spider infestation. Since more insects are drawn to them, you can typically see the tan jumping spiders hunting around windows and doors.

Locating webs is another common indicator, especially in hidden places like cabinets, behind doors, between bookcases, or around windows.

Dealing with Tan Jumping Spider Infestation

jumping spider close

Tan jumping spiders may not pose a significant threat to humans, but that does not give them free rein to enter your homes. Food contamination from a spider infestation is possible, and in the worst scenario, it may attack you or your family if feeling threatened.

These hazards can be significantly reduced by taking steps to prevent spiders. As a result, I’ve listed several efficient methods for getting rid of these animals; hopefully, they’ll be helpful.

Keep basements, attics, and garages tidy and uncluttered.

Spiders often seek out dark, cluttered, and undisturbed areas in which to build their webs, and the tan jumping spider is no exception. Therefore, keeping your basements, attics, and garages tidy and uncluttered will help discourage spiders from taking up residence in those spaces.

You can also store clothing in plastic containers so that spiders can’t get to them.

Seal all the cracks or crevices around the home.

Tan jumping spiders can enter the home through wall cracks and poorly screened windows and doors. It is important to seal all the cracks or crevices around the home in order to keep them out; especially during the colder months, spiders will try to find their way indoors.

Check thoroughly before bringing any item indoors. 

When bringing in any new items, it is important to check them thoroughly for any pests or insects. This is especially important for Tan Jumping spiders as they are known to wander and may as accidentally gain entrance into your home.

Therefore, to keep any unwelcome guests away, ensure you thoroughly inspect any goods before bringing them inside (particularly items that have been outside, including plants, boxes, and shipments).

Vacuum the invaders

If you spot tan jumping spiders lurking inside your vicinity, you can vacuum these critters off your home. It is recommended to empty the vacuum bag far from your home or to completely dispose of it.

Contact a licensed pest professional.

Being vigilant about spider control is an effective method to avoid the invasion of tan jumping spiders.

That being said, although tan jumping spiders are not particularly harmful to humans, they can sometimes get out of hand and become a nuisance.

Therefore, it is best to contact a licensed pest professional who will be able to provide an appropriate solution for control and prevention.


I sincerely hope this guide was helpful in assisting you in discovering interesting facts about tan jumping spiders, including their identification, habits, threats, and control.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.