
What Are These Tiny Orange Bugs And Why Are They Biting Me?

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You might have come across tiny orange bugs that bite. So, what are these tiny orange bugs? These tiny orange bugs are called chiggers. They are very small but can be very annoying because they bite and itch. The bites are powerful and can cause a lot of discomfort.

Chiggers are tiny bugs you may have encountered if you’ve been outside lately. They’re not dangerous, but their bites can leave you with a powerful urge to scratch.

Continue reading to find out more about orange bugs and their bites.

What are these tiny orange bugs and why are they biting me?


There are many different types of bugs, but the tiny orange ones that seem to be biting people lately are called chiggers. Chigger is a name for the larvae of a type of mite. Chigger larvae bite human skin to feed and can cause a great deal of irritation.

Chiggers usually congregate in warm, moist body areas- like the ankles, armpits, and groin. Chiggers have sharp claws that help them grab onto human skin. Once they’re attached, they suck out the host’s body fluids. 

In other words, they are attached to the skin with their mouth. Once they have attached themselves, the host’s body will create a tube for the chigger to suck on and feed on. Chiggers can live up to 4 days before falling off of their host.

Chigger bites are typically red, itchy, and swollen. The bites last up to 2 weeks if not treated. Chiggers are mites that inject fluid into the skin to dissolve tissue. Once the tissue is liquefied, they feed on it.

Chiggers are tiny red-orange bugs you may have seen in your backyard or garden. They are a member of the mite family and can be found worldwide. Chigger bites can often be mistaken for mosquito or flea bites.

Using insect repellent containing DEET is a good way to eliminate them. Also, wear garments to protect yourself against chigger bites. Chigger bites generally happen in regions with a lot of vegetation or where there are many bugs.

What to know about chiggers bites? (or tiny orange bugs that bite)

The chigger bite is caused by the larvae of the chigger bug, not the adults. The skin around the bite hardens. Furthermore, they create a feeding tube for the chigger called a stylostome.

Chigger bites are most common in the summer and early fall when people are outside more often. Symptoms include pronounced itching.

tiny orange bugs that bite

In addition, chiggers do not bite when the temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit or above 99 degrees. The bites can go undetected for 1 to 3 hours before the itching starts. If left undisturbed, chiggers will feed for several days.

Chigger bites can be a nuisance but are not typically dangerous. However, if the skin is broken around the bite, it can lead to infection. The area around the bite may also become red with rash, hives, bumps, or blisters. Chiggers are not known to spread diseases.

What is the habitat of Chigger?

Chiggers are tiny orange bugs that bite people. They live in tall weeds, grass, berry patches, and wooded areas. 

Their active season is spring, summer, and fall afternoons when the temperature is warm. The temperature must be at least 60˚F or 16˚C for them to be active. When the temperature falls below 6˚C, they die off.

How big are chiggers?

How big are chiggers?

Chiggers are tiny and barely visible to the naked eye. They are about 1/150th of an inch long and have six legs for juveniles and eight for adults. They can be red, orange, yellow, or straw-colored. 

Chigger bites symptoms

Chiggers are tiny orange bugs that latch onto a person, and when the chigger falls off, you will have red bumps. The bite appears in groups and gets larger several days to a week. A bright red dot is the remnant of the tube your skin forms in response to the chigger’s saliva.

Insects generally tend to bite exposed skin that is easily accessible. Chiggers, for example, bite in areas where the skin folds or is tight against the body- such as the ankles, waist, armpits, crotch, and behind the knees. As a result, most chigger bites occur on these body parts.

Chigger bites are often itchy and can be very uncomfortable. The symptoms usually show up hours after the bite is received. Red welts may form around the bite area, and there may be a strong desire to scratch the affected area.

How to treat/care chigger bites?

How to treat/care chigger bites?

Chigger bites usually take one to three weeks to heal. And there are a few things you can do to help:

  • Rinse the area with soap and water as soon as possible to clean away any chiggers or debris.
  • To avoid any infection apply an antiseptic such as hydrogen peroxide or alcohol.
  • Avoid scratching, which can cause infection.
  • Apply ice packs to the welts to help reduce swelling.
  • Chigger bites are treated with over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream or calamine lotion to relieve the itch. 

It is important to note that chiggers do not burrow under the skin, so there is no need to remove them.

How to get rid of or avoid chigger bites?

Chiggers are tiny orange bugs that can bite people. To help prevent chigger bites:

  1. Apply 10% to 30% DEET.
  2. While going out, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants tucked into shoes.
  3. Wash clothes in hot water to avoid chigger bites.

How long do chiggers bites last?

Chigger bites tiny orange bugs that bite and can cause an itchy, bumpy rash. Most chigger bites will resolve on their own within a few days. However, for some people, they can last up to 2 weeks. You should see a doctor if your chigger bites, such as fever or swollen lymph nodes.

Parents need not worry if their child contracts chiggers, as they are not contagious and the child cannot give them to someone else. The bad itching interferes with daily activities.

But fortunately, these symptoms will go away within a week. Kids can still play sports and do normal activities while having chigger bites.

Do chigger bites spread?

Chigger bites are a common annoyance during the summertime. They are tiny orange bugs that bite and cause an itchy, red bump. People often wonder if chigger bites can spread or if they can be transmitted to another person.

The answer is no – chigger bites cannot spread. The mites bite an individual, not the person. It means that you cannot get chigger bites from someone else.

Can chigger bug bites last for months?

Chigger bites usually last for a few days to a week. They are not known to spread diseases. 

Chigger bug bites can cause scrub typhus, a serious infection. Or to say, the bacteria Orientia tsutsugamushi can cause scrub typhus. If you think chiggers have bitten you, make sure to see a doctor right away.

What do chigger bites look like on human skin?

What do chigger bites look like on human skin?

Chigger bites tiny orange bugs that bite people. The itching from the bites can last for weeks. Sometimes, a doctor will need to test for infection if it continues to be painful.

How to get rid of chiggers on your body and skin?

Chigger bites are not dangerous but can be a nuisance. They are tiny red bugs that bite you and cause an itchy rash. If chiggers have bitten you, you can do a few things to relieve the itch:

  1. Identify any chiggers on your body with a magnifying glass.
  2. Take a bath or shower after coming into the house or do an outside activity to remove bugs on your skin.
  3. Try using an over-the-counter cream or ointments like menthol, calamine lotion, or hydrocortisone. 
  4. When the itching gets too bad, try over-the-counter antihistamines and cold compresses at the bite site.

To avoid getting bitten, walk in the center of trails and not along the sides. It would help if you also avoided ticks and other insects. 

Are chigger bites dangerous?

Chigger bites are itchy, annoying, and can make it difficult to sleep. Chiggers feed on skin cells, not blood, so they don’t transmit disease. However, notify your doctor if you have swelling, fever, or other signs of infection from chigger bites.

Do chiggers jump?

Do chiggers jump?

Chiggers are small, less than 1/16th of an inch, and their bites pack a powerful punch. You probably won’t notice when they jump onto your skin, but you will feel their effects later.

Are chigger bites contagious?

Chigger bites are not contagious and cannot be spread from person to person. Children who get bitten by chiggers can still participate in sports and normal activities unless the itching makes them uncomfortable.

Can chigger bites make you sick?

Chigger bites and bumps may be painful or itchy, and there may be swelling or blistering. In some cases, there may be a severe allergic reaction with symptoms such as trouble breathing, tightness in the chest or throat, and feeling faint or dizzy.

Do chiggers go away on their own?

Chiggers, or red bugs as they are sometimes called, are a type of mite. Chigger larvae attach themselves to a host but do not burrow into the flesh.

The itching from a chigger bite does not begin until three or more hours after the feeding. Unfortunately, there is no cure for chigger bites other than waiting for them to go away on their own.

How long do chigger bites take to heal completely?

How long do chigger bites take to heal completely?

Chigger bites can take anywhere from one to three weeks to heal, depending on the severity of the bite. Chiggers are easy to recognize- they are tiny orange bugs that bite.

If a chigger bites you, wash the area with soap and water as soon as possible. Ingestion of chiggers is rare but not impossible.

Do chiggers carry harmful diseases like hives?

Chigger bites are itchy red bumps that can look like pimples, blisters, or small hives. They start to itch within hours of attaching to the skin and are typically found around the waist, ankles, or warm skin folds.

Chiggers do not carry harmful diseases like hives, but their bites can be extremely irritating and itchy.

What kind/form of garden orange bug bites ankles?

Flea and Tick

Flea and Tick

Ticks are tiny orange bugs that can bite humans. They are found in the same areas of swarms and tall grass. Ticks are found in wooded or grassy areas, so people who spend time outdoors in these areas are at risk for tick bites.

It can cause similar reactions, such as redness, swelling, and itchiness. Lyme disease can cause serious infection transmitted by an infected tick’s bite. 

Fleas are small orange bugs that are found all over the world. They are irritating but not serious and bite humans and animals. Flea bites turn white when pressed and will often bleed if bitten by a flea.

It can carry Lyme disease and other diseases, most commonly found in Northeastern and upper midwestern states in the US. If you live or travel in an area where fleas are present, it is important to take precautions against getting bitten.

Black Widow Spiders

Black Widow Spiders

The black widow spider is a venomous spider found throughout North America. They are typically about ½ inch wide. 

These spiders are identified by their shiny black coloring and the red hourglass shape on their abdomen. Black widows are notorious for biting humans. However, they will also bite other animals. The black widow spider venom can be deadly if not treated quickly.

When bitten by a black widow, the victim will usually feel the symptoms within 20 minutes to an hour. The most common symptoms are pain, tremors, weakness, spasms, muscle cramps, and increased blood pressure.

If a black widow spider bites you, seek medical attention immediately as it requires antivenin and pain medications for treatment.

Fire Ants

Red ant

Fire ants are reddish-brown to reddish black and have a stinger. They are found mainly in the Southern U.S. Bug bites from fire ants usually cause itchy, raised areas on the skin. It becomes pimple-like blisters.

Fire ants are tiny, orange bugs found throughout the southern United States. They usually sting and bite you at once with multiple marks caused by ants traveling in packs. The good news is that their stings are usually mild and only cause blisters.

Fire ants have aggressive behavior and bite humans, which often results in an allergic reaction. If you think fire ants have bitten you, look for signs of an allergic reaction, such as swelling, redness, and itching.

Lady bugs

Lady bugs

The harlequin ladybird is an invasive species of ladybug that has been introduced in North America and Europe.

This ladybug is more aggressive and bites more often than other ladybugs. They are typically red or orange with multiple spots and have a white spot on their head.

Ladybird bites are usually not anything to worry about. The ladybugs are not biting you to feed on your blood but are trying to defend themselves.


Bites and stings from insects often cause small red bumps on the skin. These bumps can be itchy or painful and may swell over time. In most cases, bites and stings are treated at home with simple remedies such as ice packs, antihistamines, or calamine lotion. It is advisable for visiting a doctor if your symptoms worsen or continue. In conclusion, chiggers are small orange bugs that bite people. They are often found in wooded areas because that is where they reside.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.