
Do You Know What Attracts Flies?

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Flies are a common nuisance and can be carriers of dangerous diseases. But what attracts flies? They are attracted to food, making them a pest in homes, restaurants, grocery stores, and other places where food is stored or prepared.

Flies lay their eggs near their food sources, so they can quickly hatch and start feeding. Although house flies are considered nuisance pests, they play an important role in the environment.

Insects, in general, are often drawn to certain things. In the case of flies, they are typically attracted to food and decaying matter. If you know what attracts flies, you can take steps to prevent them from entering your home.

Flies may also land on feces before landing on food, so it is important to be aware of this and take precautions. You can use pesticides or insecticides to keep the stips of soldier flies away from your foods or home.

Continue reading to find out more about what attracts flies. 

5 Types of Flies

House Flies

what attract flies

House flies are a common nuisance and can be harmful to humans and animals. They often transport bits of the substances they land on, including bacteria, which can lead to the spread of disease.

In addition to regurgitating their stomach contents onto food before ingesting it again, house flies also defecate on food. The food is contaminated with fly saliva and vomit, but it is also contaminated with feces.

House flies are attracted to rotting organic matter, such as garbage, manure, and carrion. They can also spread various diseases, so it is important to keep them away from your home.

Fruit Flies/ Vinegar Flies

Tropical Fruit Fly Drosophila Diptera Parasite Insect Pest on Ripe Fruit Vegetable Macro

Fruit flies are particularly drawn to sweet liquids and those that have been fermented. It means they can often be found near rotting fruit or vegetables or in places where alcohol is consumed.

Fruit flies are typically found in areas where there is a lot of fermenting liquid, such as home kitchens. They get their nutrients from the liquids and can be attracted to sugary items.

Drain Flies

bug insect trap

Drain flies are similar to filth flies in that they both feast on decaying matter. However, drain flies typically lay their eggs in moist environments like drains and sinks. It makes them a common nuisance in kitchens and bathrooms.

Drain flies are particularly pesky because they lay their eggs inside the gunk that accumulates in toilet and sink drains. They thrive inside of the filth! 

Cluster Flies

cycle feed traps

Cluster flies are attracted to warmth. They search for warmer places to hibernate during the colder months and can often be found in large numbers around windows and doors. Cluster flies are attracted to light and lay their eggs near the openings of earthworm burrows.

After 3-4 days, the larvae will enter the body cavities of earthworms and feed on them until they are fully grown.

Horse Flies

attracts different fleas

The horsefly is a type of fly that belongs to the Tabanidae family. They are attracted to various things, including sweat, movement, and light. They can be pests and cause a great deal of annoyance to people and animals.

Horseflies are a particular annoyance due to their painful bite, and they are most active in humid and warm conditions.

What attracts flies?

flies love lifespan  flies


Flies are attracted to the heat radiating buildings. It is why you often see them buzzing around in the summertime. They are looking for a place to cool down. Insects, including flies, breed faster in warm environments. It is why there are usually more flies during the summertime.


Flies are highly attracted to light. In particular, UV bulbs are highly effective at capturing flies. For businesses and homes looking to eliminate these pests, installing a UV light fixture near the areas where flies are most commonly seen can be an extremely effective solution.

Insect light traps are devices that use light to attract and then trap insects. They are commonly used in buildings to control fly infestations. The traps usually consist of a light source, such as a fluorescent light, placed inside a transparent enclosure.


Flies are attracted to garbage because it provides everything they need for breeding and living. The warm, moist environment is perfect for their eggs, and the food scraps provide them with a plentiful food source.

Additionally, the garbage often contains rotting meat or other decaying matter which attracts the flies.

House flies are attracted to moist organic material. It can be in the garbage, pet waste, or compost pile. Flies will lay eggs on any meat or vegetable scraps that they find. If you keep your trash in tightly sealed containers, it will be less appealing to the flies.

Regularly clean the dumpster so that garbage does not accumulate over time. It will help deter flies and keep your area more sanitary.

Dirty Drains

Drain flies are attracted to organic refuse in drains. It can include food particles, grease, and other forms of organic matter. Drain fly larvae feed on the bacteria and organic matter accumulated in drains. To keep your drains clean, you should repair any leaks.

Animal Carcasses

If you have a lot of blowflies buzzing around your house, it may be because there is a dead animal carcass trapped in your walls. The smell of the rotting flesh will attract the flies. They will quickly infest not only the surrounding area but also your home.

If you suspect an animal carcass on or near your property, contact a professional to remove it as soon as possible.

In addition, check for dead animals carcasses like rats and mice in the yard and garbage areas. If you identify a dead animal, it’s important to immediately take care of the situation. Because flies are attracted to fresh carcasses, they won’t stay around for very long.

Bird Droppings

Birds can be a nuisance when they defecate on buildings and other structures. The droppings can cause extensive damage and attract pests like flies. While bird droppings may be unsightly, they can also lead to serious health concerns. 

Damaged Food

Fruit flies are often drawn to damaged or rotting food. Because the smell of the decomposing food signals the flies that there is something they can eat. It is important to refrigerate overripe foods and vegetables to keep fruit flies away.

You can also clean up any spills or messes as soon as possible, as this will also deter the flies.

In addition, another way to keep flies away is by cleaning up pet or livestock feed. If the food isn’t clean, the flies will be more likely to linger around. Furthermore, dispose of animal manure frequently to prevent house fly eggs from hatching.

Other flies.

Flies are attracted to other living flies and the smell of flyspecks on walls and ceilings. The scent of other flies indicates a food source nearby. Additionally, the sight of fly specks can also attract flies as it looks like a potential place for them to lay eggs.

If there are any flyspecks on the walls or ceilings, use a borax and water solution to clean them off. Mix one teaspoon of borax into a quart of water in a spray bottle and mist the solution onto the flyspecks. The borax will kill the flies, and it will also help remove their carcasses.

Sweet or fermented liquids

Fruit flies are attracted to various types of liquids, but they are especially drawn to sweet and fermented liquids.

You will often find them hovering around sugary drinks or near fermenting fruit. If you want to keep these pests away, it is important to take measures to protect your food from them.

There are a few things you can do to help control the fruit fly population in your home.

Wiping up spills and rinsing soda or beer containers before recycling them will help eliminate any sweet or fermented liquids that might attract flies. You can also try using a fly trap to catch the insects.

What Do House Flies Eat?

House flies are generalist feeders and will eat pretty much anything. House flies are attracted to various things, but overripe fruit and vegetables are the main sources of their food. They feed off of the bacteria that form on decaying matter.

House flies vomit on their food to liquefy it before they eat. It is necessary because they can’t chew their food as most animals do.

Are flies attracted to light?

Insects, and particularly flies, are attracted to light. Light represents an opportunity for them to find food or mates. Moths, beetles, and other insects are usually attracted to light.

Think of all those times you’ve seen them frantically flying around light fixtures and street lamps when it’s dark outside.

Do dead flies attract more flies?

The answer to this question is yes. Dead flies attract more flies. The fly factor was originally called fly because every farmer knew it would attract even more if you put a few dead ones on the bait. When a fly dies, its body emits an odor that attracts other flies.

Do flies like sugar?

Flies are attracted to sugar because it activates their reward system. It means that they feel good when they eat something sweet, so they will be more likely to eat it again.

However, when flies diet, the reward decreases, so they end up eating more to get back to a full level of reward. Since sugar is being reduced in fly bait, flies eat more to get their fix.

It means that fly traps and baits must be filled with a higher sugar concentration to be effective.

Are flies attracted to water?

Drain flies are attracted to water and feed on and breed in sewage. They are often found near sinks, drains, and other areas where there is standing water. They are small, gnat-like insects found near rotting food or other decaying matter.

Flies are attracted to water because organic material can build up quickly in stagnant water. This organic matter provides a food source for the flies and helps them reproduce.

What are house flies attracted to your home?

House flies are attracted to various things, including food, garbage, and other organic matter. They are also drawn to moisture and warmth, so they can often be found near water sources or in sunny areas.

Areas with large amounts of fly specks will often have more flies because they are attracted to the food source.

What are green flies attracted to?

Green bottle flies are attracted to decaying organic matter. It can include decomposing meat, fruits, vegetables, and even live animal carcasses. They are also drawn to moist environments and garbage cans.

Many factors can attract flies, but garbage, animal feces, and rotting flesh are some of the most common. Feces, in general, is a very potent fly attractant, as it contains a high level of nutrients that flies need for breeding.

Why do flies land on people?

Flies are attracted to carbon dioxide. They often land on people- we emit high levels of carbon dioxide. They are also drawn to other scents and smells, such as food or garbage.

When people are outside, they generate heat, which is one of the things that attracts flies. They are also drawn to sweat and other scents that humans produce.

Insects, including flies, are naturally attracted to dead cells and open wounds because they provide an easy meal. When a fly lands on someone, it is likely feeding on the blood or other bodily fluids leaked from the wound.

Why are flies attracted to poop?

Flies are attracted to feces because it smells delicious to them. They feed on the fecal matter and lay their eggs in it. It is how the fly larvae develop. In addition, flies are attracted to poop because it is a very nutritious food source.

It contains many vitamins and minerals that help keep the flies healthy and strong. The poop also contains various substances like bacteria, fats, proteins, fiber cellulose, and minerals that make it an ideal food for flies.


Flies are attracted to various things, but one of the main things they are drawn to is high decay rates. They are also attracted to moisture and warmth, so you may find them near sinks or in bathrooms. While an infestation may be a nuisance, it can also be hazardous to your health.

Flies can spread bacteria and diseases as they land on food, surfaces, and people. It is important to take care of an infestation as soon as possible to avoid any potential health risks. In conclusion, keeping your home clean will help prevent flies from infesting it.

Disposing of garbage properly, cleaning up spills and messes quickly, and using fly traps will help get rid of the flies already in your home.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.