
What Do Exterminators Use To Kill Ants In Homes?

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Ants are very common and can be found in many different environments. There are a variety of ways to get rid of ants, but what do exterminators use to kill ants in homes?

One common method is to use a chemical spray. This will cause the ants to die and also eliminate their nests. Another popular method is to use bait. The exterminator will place the bait near the ant’s nest, and when the ants take it back, it will kill them. We shall go through all the methods used by exterminators in this article.

How Do Ants Enter Your Home?

When ants invade your home, it can be a daunting and frustrating experience. It is easy to determine where the ants are coming from or why they are following a certain path.

The most common way for ants to enter your home is through cracks in the foundation or around doors and windows.

Some ants, like carpenter ants, will nest in wood, while others, like sugar ants, will nest near food sources. When ants are inside your home, they may nest depending on the type of ant there.

Ants leave behind chemicals that contain pheromones that other ants can sense and follow. This is how they are able to find their way back to the colony.

What Do Exterminators Use To Kill Ants in Homes?

Ant Identification and Inspection

Ants are insects that can be identified by their distinctly elbowed antennae and segmented body. The abdomen segments are attached to the thorax, which is in turn attached to the head.

Ants come in various colors and sizes, but they all share common characteristics that make them identifiable.

Carpenter ants are identified by their thin-wasted appearance and enlarged sections on their abdomen. The exterminators will use various methods to kill the ants, but the most common is a contact killer that will poison the ants when they make contact with it.

An inspection is to find out whether you have an ant problem and, if so, what kind of ants are present. Different ants respond to different treatments, so you must identify them correctly.

Inspection Inside

Carpenter ants are common in and around homes. Their black bodies and redheads can identify them. 

Ants are attracted to food sources, which you can detect by watching where they go. If you see a lot of ants in one area, there is likely a food source nearby.

Inspection Outside

Inspecting your home for ant activity is the first step in getting rid of them. Check around the foundation and doors for any signs of ants, like trails or nests. You can also use a magnifying glass to inspect these areas more closely.

Good ant control must start with a good inspection. An exterminator needs to identify the ant species and where it is nesting. Once this is determined, the exterminator can use the correct method to get rid of them.

common ant on the kitchen table

Ant Segments

Segmentation allows them to move their abdomen independently from their thorax. This is important because it helps them move quickly and efficiently.

When it comes to ants, there are a few things that you should know. For one, ant segments have different purposes depending on their location on the body. Additionally, ants have nodes that are small pedicels on their bodies with different shapes.

Ants with its segmented body

Types of Ant Control Pesticides

There are many types of ant control pesticides, but the two main categories are baits and sprays. Baits work by attracting the ants to a toxic substance. Sprays work by direct contact with the ant and usually need to be reapplied after it rains.

Baits and gels are formulations of chemicals that ants carry back to their nests. When using baits or gels, it is important to ensure enough ants take the bait back to the nest; otherwise, the pesticide will not be effective.

What Do Exterminators Use To Kill Ants in Homes?

Exterminators use insecticides that are applied directly to insects (insecticide sprays, liquid insecticides). An insect can be killed by simply spraying it with insecticide.

Most insecticides are available in ready-to-use sprays that must be mixed with water and applied using a Sawyer (pressure) or pump action (usually the lowest concentration around).

Chemicals for pest control

plastic poison, sticky granules, to kill ants indoors

Pyrethroid Insecticide

Pyrethroid insecticides are a class of insecticides that includes pyrethroids. Pyrethroids are synthetic chemicals that are similar to natural pyrethrins, which are extracts from the chrysanthemum flower.

Pyrethroid insecticides are effective against various insects and are usually applied directly to cracks and crevices with a tube attached to a sprayer.

Although pyrethroid insecticides effectively exterminate ants, they sometimes need to be applied more than once for complete eradication. It is important to read the instructions on the product label carefully and follow them exactly.

Methoprene and Pyriproxyfen

Insect growth regulators, or IGRs, are pesticide types that slow down or inhibit the insect’s development from the initial to the adult stage. This prevents them from being able to reproduce and can eventually lead to their death.

Types of IGRs: juvenile hormone and pyriproxyfen.

Methoprene is a juvenile hormone analog, while pyriproxyfen is a pyridine compound. Methoprene and pyriproxyfen are two of the most common ingredients in ant extermination products. They’re toxic to aquatic animals, so it’s important that they’re disposed of properly.


Fogging is a technique that exterminators use to kill ants in homes. The insecticide is fogged into the cracks and crevices of the home where the ants are living. This method is very effective because it allows the insecticide to reach all of the areas where the ants are hiding.

In recent years, common ant resistance has made fogging an ineffective tool for exterminators. Fogging is using a machine to disperse a chemical or insecticide into the air so that it will contact and kill insects.

However, due to the ants’ natural defenses, this method is no longer as effective as it once was.

How do pest control get rid of ants?

You can find many different types of ants in Canada. Ants are exterminated using various methods, depending on the type of ant and the location of the infestation. Some common methods include baiting, fumigation, and spraying.

In severe cases where the ants are resistant to traditional treatments, an exterminator may need to use different methods. This can include dusting them with pesticides or drilling into their nests to apply poison.

Should You Use Chemicals on Your Own?

Exterminators use a variety of chemicals to kill ants in homes. These chemicals can be very dangerous if used incorrectly. It is important never to try to use these chemicals on your own.

While it is possible to get rid of ants on your own by using chemicals or methods that allow for the escape of the ants, it is important to note that you should only use these methods with the help of a licensed exterminator. Licensed exterminators have access to more powerful and effective chemicals as well as knowledge about how to use them safely.

Other Methods of Killing Ants


Baiting is a newer technique for exterminating ants. It has been gaining popularity in recent years because it can be very effective when used repeatedly. Baits work by luring the ants to a specific location and then killing them with an insecticide.

The most common type of bait is poison, which the ants will bring back to the colony and kill all the ants. Knowing the bait the ants are using is important because some baits only work on a few common species.

A fallen piece of sweet which acts as ants bait station


There are a variety of sprays that you can use to exterminate ants in your home. Common ones include sprays that you can apply to walls, floors, and other surfaces. These sprays contain chemicals that lure pests away from areas where they don’t belong and ultimately kill them.

Exterminators use a variety of sprays to kill ants in homes. Some sprays mimic food smells, ant larvae smell, honey smells, and others. This confuses the ants and causes them to die.

Is pest control for ants in the house dangerous?

Pesticides are a type of chemical that is used to kill pests, such as ants. Various pesticides are available on the market, and it is important to select the right one for the job.

However, it is important to note that you should only use these products in areas where ants are a problem, and they should never be applied directly to the skin. Additionally, you should not use these products near water.

How To Prevent Ants

  • One is to seal any cracks and crevices in your foundation and walls. You can also clean around entry points, such as doors and windows, with a detergent to remove the ant’s pheromone trail.
  • If you already have an infestation, exterminators will use various methods to kill the ants, such as gel baits, dust, or sprays.
  • Fixing leaky roofs and plumbing and painting and sealing exposed wood construction before it becomes wet.
  • Rotted or water-damaged wooden parts of the structure need to be replaced.
  • Store firewood off the ground and away from the structure to prevent ants from infiltrating your home.

It is important to address the problem at its root to prevent ants. Furthermore, if there are any dead stumps on the property, they need to be removed.


There are various ways to kill ants, but the most popular chemicals used are poisonous. Be sure to ask your exterminator about these chemicals before using them in your home.

Although ants may be scary, you can eliminate them quickly and without harm by hiring a professional exterminator. The exterminator will use the best methods to get rid of the ants in your home so that you can live peacefully again.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.