
Which Type Of Ants Do I Have? How To Identify Them?

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Ants are an important part of any garden or yard, but which type of ants do you have, and how to identify them? Here are the most common types of ants in the United States, their features and how to identify them.

They are also a nuisance to many people, as they can invade homes and yards. While they all may look similar to the untrained eye, there are some key ways to identify them. Ants are not dangerous, but they could be harmful if you’re allergic to them.

Which Type of Ants Do I Have? How to identify them?

Ants are one of the most commonly encountered insects in North America. They are easy to recognize as their color is usually black, dark brown, red, or tan. There are a number of diverse types of ants, but they all have some common characteristics that will help you identify them.

When trying to identify the type of ant you have, it is important to remember that ants have three distinct parts: head, thorax, and abdomen. The thorax is connected to the abdomen by constricted petioles.

All ants have three pairs of legs that are used for walking. In addition, they do not have wings. This makes them relatively easy to identify, assuming you know what you’re looking for. All ants have three pairs of legs that are used for walking. In addition, they do not have wings.

This makes them relatively easy to identify, assuming you know what you’re looking for. So if you see an ant with a thin waist, it’s more likely to be a worker ant.

Furthermore, different types of ants will exhibit different behaviors; for example, carpenter ants chew through the wood while sugar ants invade kitchens.

Types of ants

Ants are the most prolific pests globally and can be very difficult to get rid of. There are over 1,000 ant species living in North America, and they can be found in every state. Ants vary in size, color, and behavior.

There are numerous different types of ants, and their appearance and behavior can differentiate them. Some ants are more aggressive than others, and some have a stronger stench.

Fire ants

Fire ants are the type of ant most common in the South and Southwest regions of the United States. The bite of fire ant can cause a painful sting. They are reddish-brown and have a fairly smooth body.

Fire ants typically build their nests in warm, sunny areas and can be identified by their reddish-brown color and the characteristic “fire” ant mound. Fire ants are popular for their aggressive behavior, but they also have interesting survival tactics.

Adult Fire ants in their nest

Little Black ants

Little black ants are common in the summertime and can be found in various habitats. They are attracted to sweets and will often enter homes searching for food.

These ants can be difficult to get rid of, so it is important to identify them correctly and use the appropriate methods for extermination.

Little black ants are identified by their small size, black color, and the presence of a stinger. Despite their stingers, they are relatively weak and can be easily eliminated with household items such as soapy water or vinegar.

In general, little black ants swarm in densely wooded areas. They are attracted to moisture and will build their nests near water sources.

Little black Ant worker colony at home

Carpenter ants

Carpenter ants are a type of destructive pest. They can cause substantial property damage as well as contaminate food supplies. Carpenter ants are often mistaken for termites, so it is important to be able to identify them correctly.

Carpenter ants are the most common type of ant found in homes. They are easily identified by their black color and the presence of sawdust-like shavings or pieces of insulation scattered about.

They tunnel and chew through moist wood to make their nests, which can cause extensive damage to your property.

Pavement ants

Pavement ants are the most familiar type of ant in the United States. They get their name from their preference for nesting under sidewalks and other pavement. They are small ants, typically about 1/8-1/4 inches long.

They are identified by their black color, small size, and lack of stingers. Pavement ants eat other insects, as well as sweets and meats. They have a single node (or bump) on their thorax.

They build their nests under sidewalks, cement patios, and other masonry where they can find cracks to nest in. Pavement ants are mostly found in the Northwest and Midwest regions of the United States.

Pharaoh ants

Pharaoh ants infestation is often found in hospitals and other places where food is easily accessible. They scavenge for food and can carry salmonella and other diseases. It is important to identify these ants to take the necessary precautions if you encounter them.

Pharaoh ants are very small and can be difficult to identify, but knowing how to look for them can help you get rid of them if they become a problem.

Group of pharaoh ants roaming around for food

Odorous House Ants

They get their name because they produce an unpleasant odor when crushed. The odorous house often invades homes, searching for food. They are small black ants and can be identified by the two nodes (or bumps) on their heads.

They are medium-sized and have smooth, dark brownish-black bodies with lighter, honey-hued legs. They are commonly found in North America and can be identified by the antennae’s two nodes (joints).

Acrobat ants

Acrobat ants are unique because of their ability to raise their heart-shaped abdomens over their heads.

They get this name from their defensive behavior of raising their abdomens in the air when they feel threatened. Their black coloring and heart-shaped abdomen can identify acrobat ants.

Acrobat Ant with its distinct body

Acrobat ants are small by ant standards and can be found all over the U.S. Acrobat ants are attracted to sweets so that they may be found in your kitchen or near food sources.

Acrobat ants are very versatile creatures that can thrive in a variety of habitats. They’re even satisfied living in altitudes of 8,000 feet, making them one of the most adaptable ant species.

Argentine ants

Argentine ants are about 1/4-in. long and are reddish-brown. They have an unevenly shaped thorax and are wingless with a 12-segmented antenna.

Argentine ants are very aggressive when finding food and expanding their colonies. A colony can have millions of ants, with many sub colonies and multiple queens. They can be identified by their black body and pale legs and their tendency to travel in large groups.

Harvester ants

The harvester ant is different from other ants in that it has long hairs on its “chins” that look like beards. They are reddish-brown and are between 1/8 and 1/4 of an inch long.

The harvester ant is a type of ant that is easily identifiable by its red head and black body. It has a nasty sting and has been known to kill small animals.

team of ants picking wild strawberry

Thief ants

Thief ants are small and yellowish-tan in color. They get their name because they often sneak into homes to feed on greasy food. Thief ants are common and often found in the United States.

If you have thief ants, you can bait them with boric acid, cornmeal, and peanut butter. Thief ants can be identified by their small size, brown coloring, and the fact that they travel in colonies. 

Leafcutter ants

Leafcutter ants are a specific type of ant that live in colonies. They harvest plant parts using their jaws, which vibrate a thousand times per second. This allows them to cut through leaves and other vegetation very easily.

Leafcutter ants are not commonly found in homes, but they can damage gardens if they are not treated properly. Leafcutters have exceptionally long legs and are light brown.

If you think you may have leafcutter ants, it is important to take steps to get rid of them before they do any more damage.

Leaf Cutter Ants crawling with a leaf in their mouth

Crazy Ants

Crazy ants found throughout the United States as this species is highly adaptable to both dry and moist habitats. Crazy ants can be identified by their small sized body (1/8 inch long), brown color, and antennal club that is two times as long as the rest of the antennae.

When crazy ants invade yards, they often build their nests close to the buildings in order to have easy access to the indoors. Crazy ants are active year-round and can be identified by their long antennae and erratic movements.

Citronella ants

Citronella ants acquire their name from the lemon verbena plant, which is the source of their characteristic odor. They emit this odor when they are threatened or stepped on.

Citronella ants are honeydew loving and feed on the moisture in your home. If you have an ant problem and see these ants, it’s likely that you also have a honeydew problem.

Interestingly, citronella ants are one of the most important types of ants. They live in colonies of up to a million members and build intricate mounds of dirt and debris. These mound-building ants are important pollinators of many flowering plants.

Are ants dangerous pests?

There are many other types of house ants, and while most are simply nuisances, some can be dangerous. For example, carpenter ants can cause significant property damage. It is important to identify the type of ant you have before taking action.

Which Type of Ants Do I Have? How to identify

Though ants are mostly harmless, they can become dangerous if they invade your home. If they come in contact with food, they can contaminate it with bacteria like salmonella and streptococcus.

These diseases can make you very sick, so it’s important to identify the type of ant you have and get rid of them as soon as possible.

How to get rid of an ant infestation?

  • Keeping your house clean. Regularly sweep your floors to remove crumbs.
  • Proper food storage. Don’t leave food out in the open. Food should be kept in sealed containers
  • Points of entry are being sealed. Ants can squeeze through even the slightest crevices. Inspect your property and seal any cracks with caulk.
  • Excess wetness is avoided. Ants will easily colonize areas with standing water or leaks.

Are household ants dangerous?

Though ants are generally harmless, they can carry bacteria and parasites on their legs and bodies. This means that ants can contaminate food and surfaces. If you are unsure of which type of ant you have, go thus guide and use a suitable treatment.

Though ants are often considered helpful and harmless creatures, they can inflict painful stings and bites. Some species of ants can even be dangerous if they swarm.

Will ants damage my house and property?

 They can damage furniture, walls, and even electrical wiring. The most common type of ant that damages homes are the carpenter ant.

Nests of ants can create mounds of dirt on your lawn, which is unsightly and can also damage the grass. The ants will also invade your property searching for food, and they can be a nuisance if they are numerous.

Final Thoughts

When it comes to ants, cleanliness is key. They can contaminate your food and spread harmful diseases and pests but also cause ear infections in dogs. Be sure to use caution when using pesticides and take measures to keep your home clean.

About the author

A biotechnologist by profession and a passionate pest researcher. I have been one of those people who used to run away from cockroaches and rats due to their pesky features, but then we all get that turn in life when we have to face something.